Welcome to Badger Room!
Badger Room is our 2 year old room, which is lead by Rose, Katie and Leigh. Our children attend for 15 hours a week, either every morning or every afternoon. Take a look at our class page to see some of our learning!
Our Newsletters
What has badger room been up to during Autumn 2023?
We have enjoyed exploring pumpkins! We have used small pieces of pumpkin to paint with, helped Mary make pumpkin soup to eat around the fire at one of our forest school sessions, we joined our friends every day for 1 week to complete our hedgehog walk, in aid of Norfolk Wildlife Trust, we even had to rescue a baby hoglet we found during our first morning walk! We made our own hedgehogs out of playdough using googly eyes and sticks to create the spikes.
We went on a nature walk - all of our friends really enjoyed exploring the local area to find treasures in nature. Discovering the sound, smells, textures and patterns on things we see in the woods.
With the help of our friends, Rose and Katie we have been gaining more and more confidence in exploring the garden.
Autumn 2023 Pictures
Pumpkin Carving Stay and Play
On Tuesday 31st October 2023 the parents and carers of the children in Badger room, attended a pumpkin carving stay and play session. We just wanted to say
thank you to all of the parents and carers who joined their children at the pumpkin carving stay and play, everyone looked like they had a fantastic time.
Please take a look below to see how much fun we had.
International Mud Day 2023
Earlham Nursery School celebrated International mud day a day early this year as we have so many fun activities coming up before the
Mud Play is important for children to develop and practice their fine and gross motor skills, increase awareness of their senses, particularly touch, improve hand/ eye coordination and develop their social and emotional skills, including taking turns and leading/following directions.
The children look like they had so much fun!
International Mud Day 2023
World Book Day 2023
For world book day Badger Room focused on the book 'Dear Zoo' they even write there own story with their take on Dear Zoo take a look below and see what else they got up to for World Book Day.
World Book Day 2023
World Book Day 2021
The children in Rabbit and Badger Room dressed up as storybook characters for World Book Day. Our focus story was 'The Gingerbread Man'.
The children made masks and baked and decorated some delicious gingerbread!
The children have been learning how to properly wash their hands with soap and water.
Snack Time!
Snack time is a part of our daily routine in Badger room. There are lots of learning opportunities for the children:
- Snack helpers help to prepare and give out the fruit.
- The children count the fruit, making sure there is enough for everybody.
- The children begin to order the fruit by size, and compare the different sizes, shapes and colours.
- Having milk, water and fruit every day teaches the children about healthy eating.
- The children pour their own drinks, helping with the development of their hand-eye co-ordination.