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Nursery School

Support at School

We understand that parenting can be hard and believe that it's important to seek support or guidance when it's needed, which is why we're always happy to help in any way we can. 


I'm worried about my child's development, behaviour or experiences at Nursery.

If you have any concerns or questions about your child's development the best person to speak to will usually be your child's key person: the person who knows your child best at nursery. We are here to talk at the start and end of your child's session but would be happy to arrange a meeting with you in private if you would be more comfortable to do so.

Some common concerns that we get from parents are around a child's speech, sudden changes in behaviour, toilet training and social interactions and we have strategies and advice we can share with you to try to help with these and other worries.


I need advice/support and I don't know where to get it.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know who to talk to or how to access certain services. If you have any questions please initially speak to your child's key person and they will try to help. If they are unsure they well seek support from other colleagues in school.  You can also speak to Mary, our Parent Support Advisor, who will be happy to help. 
