Forest School
Upcoming Dates: On Tuesday 7th November 2023 We will be having our Forest Schools fire day. The children will learn about fire safety and will enjoy the pumpkin soup they made last week.
What is Forest School?
The Forest School concept is originally from Scandinavia. It arrived in the UK in 1993 and has grown from strength to strength since then. Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is an outdoor program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.
What will the children be doing?
The children will be having fun in our beautiful woodland garden with a wide range of activities that will be carefully supported and encouraged by trained adults. Children are encouraged to vote for the activity they would like to work on, these may include:
- Den building
- Tree climbing
- Bug hunting
- Pond dipping
- Cooperative games
- Using tools for different purposes, such as using a saw, whittling, and cutting.
- Fire building and safety
- Enjoying songs and popcorn around the campfire
Fire Day
On Friday 30th June 2023, The children all celebrated fire day, they learnt about fire safety and enjoyed cooking their bread twists, which they had prepared the day before over an open flame.
When do we do Forest School?
Although children are free to be outside every day, on Thursdays Jayne will lead forest school activities, working with small key groups. Each key group has one session per week for six weeks (half a term).
What do the children learn?
- That nature is awesome and fun!
- Health and fitness from being active outside
- Confidence and communication from working with adults and friends
- Knowledge and understanding of the natural world
- Skills using tools and natural objects
- Ability to recognise and manage risks for themselves
Health and Safety
The site is assessed daily, and risk assessments are produced when needed. Children are encouraged to recognise risk in real life situations and to manage it for themselves.
Mary leads our Forest School sessions. Every class has a day a week to participate in Forest School activities.
Mary and Clare, our Family Support Worker also lead a family Forest School group every Friday lunchtime during the term time. Please book your place at the school office.