On Tuesday 27th June 2023 Earlham Nursery School received a visit form 2 Police officers from the Norfolk Constabulary the police officers were here to share a very important
message that it is vital for Children to see them in a positive light and as people who help. The children got to sit in the police car, look at all of the different tools and learned what each of them do they also got to put the sirens on too!
This was a very positive experience for all of the children and they all enjoyed getting their stickers

We were really excited to welcome PC Will Watkiss, our new local Beat Manager, into school this term. He visited each class, chatting to the children, answering questions about his job, and his very interesting jacket! He helped children in Rabbit Class on their Easter egg hunt and played a quick game of football! He also visited Robin class to help them investigate the recent incidents in their classroom, the children are still trying to find out who the culprit is, we think it could be a friend of Jack's , who might live at the top of a beanstalk! PC Will helped children in their search for footprints and other evidence. We are going to keep him posted!