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Nursery School

School of Sanctuary

The Schools of Sanctuary scheme is a growing network of educational settings committed to creating a culture of welcome, understanding, and belonging for those forced to flee.  

Schools of Sanctuary is an initiative to celebrate the good practice of schools who foster a culture of welcome and belonging for all, especially asylum seeking and refugee families. Schools of Sanctuary helps and encourages schools to educate the whole school community about the experiences of people who are forcibly displaced and engage with and support people seeking sanctuary in their local communities.  

The aim is to create a school environment that fosters belonging, safety, respect, awareness and support, regardless of people's background, ethnicity, faith or gender. Schools that are committed to the scheme's shared vision of welcome and belonging can apply for a Schools of Sanctuary award. 

Here at Earlham Nursery School we have signed the pledge to up hold the principles of the School of Sanctuary network to create a safe and welcoming school for all of our families, regardless of  background, ethnicity, faith or gender. We are committed to the scheme's shared vision of welcome. 

As part of the process of applying for the School of Sanctuary Award we have reviewed our practice to ensure we create a safe and welcoming school for all our families and children. 

Since 2023 we have been part of the Day of Welcome, which is observed by schools across Norfolk and the UK. 


During the day we talk with the children about what and who makes them feel safe, how they can help each other in school and what is feels like to be scared or worries and how we can get help. 
